  • With these bits, you can drill through metal, wood, or plastic with ease
  • Coated with titanium which reduces friction between the bit and your material, giving you greater drilling speeds and longer life for your accessories
  • Storage box is foldable and is rubber coated, so your bits will stay safe while not in use
  • The rubberized sections are labeled, so you’ll be able to know where everything goes at the end of the day
  • These fold out storage compartments are housed in a hard Ryobi green plastic case that can be tucked away with others
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Product Specification

Use hylan's line of titanium drill bits to drill holes through a variety of materials with ease. There are 16 pieces in this kit1. They range from 5/32 to 3/8", so you'll be able to tackle a variety of jobs. There are even backups of the more common bit sizes included, so you wont need to go out and purchase a replacement. They're titanium coated, which gives them greater longevity than also black oxide or bare steel bits. This works by reducing friction between the drill bit and whichever material you're working on. This makes for faster hole boring while keeping your drill bits in greater shape for longer. Inside the case are a series of foldout compartments. They're labeled, so you'll know where everything goes when the time comes to put your bits away. They're also coated with rubber, further protecting your bits from the elements until it's time to put them to use. Whether you're a homeowner looking to have a set of bits to use for renovations or other diy projects, or you're a professional looking to have a handy set of backup drill bits while you're on the jobsite, you can't go wrong with these titanium coated bits.
Wood working drills: 4Z-Z5Z-Z6Z-Z8Z-Z10Z-Z
Masonry-Drills: 5/32Z-Z,3/16Z-Z,1/4Z-Z,5/16Z-Z,3/8Z-Z
Twist drills: 2Z-Z,3Z-Z,4,Z-Z5Z-Z,6Z-Z,8Z-Z

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